Minimally invasive joint surgery using small incisions and a camera to diagnose and treat joint problems like tears or arthritis.
Surgical replacement of damaged joints (hips, knees) with prosthetics to relieve pain and restore mobility for arthritis patients.
Surgical interventions for fractures, dislocations, and soft tissue injuries caused by accidents, aimed at quick recovery.
Surgical procedure to replace damaged cartilage in joints with healthy tissue, improving joint function and reducing pain.
Surgical solutions to correct bone deformities and misalignments, improving function, appearance, and reducing pain.
Specialized care for children’s musculoskeletal issues, including congenital deformities, growth-related conditions, and trauma treatment.
Surgical treatments for spinal conditions like herniated discs, scoliosis, or degenerative diseases to relieve pain and restore function.
Physical therapy and rehabilitation services for sports injuries, focused on recovery, strengthening, and injury prevention for athletes.
Comprehensive care for diabetic patients to prevent, diagnose, and treat foot complications like ulcers, infections, and poor circulation.
Injections like corticosteroids, hyaluronic acid, or biologics to reduce pain, inflammation, and improve joint function in arthritis.
Comprehensive management of rheumatoid arthritis through medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle adjustments to reduce pain and inflammation.